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Horaz (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
(Opera). Ex fide, atque auctoritate complurium librorum...
(J. Le Blanc für) J. Macaeus, Paris 1579-1580.
875,00 € *
Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro)
Opera. Curis & studio Stephani Andreae Philippe. 3...
Coustelier, Paris 1745
750,00 € *
Hodgson, John
The Time-Journey of Dr. Barton. An Engineering and...
John Hodgson, Eggington, Beds. 1929
480,00 € *
Trollope, Anthony
South Africa. 2 Volumes.
Chapman & Hall, London 1878
480,00 € *
Montaigne, Michel de
Michael Montaigne's Gedanken und Meinungen über allerley...
Haas, Wien u. Prag 1797.
350,00 € *
Dickens, Charles
Bleak House. With Illustrations by H. K. Browne.
Chapman & Hall, London o.J. (ca. 1865?)
300,00 € *
(Swift, Jonathan)
A Tale of a Tub: Written for the universal Improvement of...
Printed for R. Wilson, London 1750
180,00 € *
Wharton, Edith
The House of Mirth.
Scribner's, New York 1905
150,00 € *
Dickens, Charles
Lebensgeschichte, Abenteuer, Erfahrungen und...
Weber, Leipzig 1851
150,00 € *
Dieterich, Udo Waldemar (Hrsg. u. Übers.)
Auswahl einiger schwedischen Gedichte, nebst einer...
Bagge, Stockholm 1842
120,00 € *
Shakespeare, William
Works. Plays and Poems. 4 Bände.
Cassell, London 1908 (The People's Library)
100,00 € *
85,00 € *
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